During our stay in Tokyo last summer, we had a chance to meet with Mr. and Ms. Okamoto, who run a sewing studio in Okayama Prefecture.
warashi-ko wouldn't be up and running without help from Mr. and Ms. Okamoto nowadays. warashi-ko's designs are much more complicated, compared to standard jinbei, which uses the same textile for top and bottom. We often combines 2-3 textiles at diffident parts, like collar, strings, sleeves and body. We also order only small number of sets each time. So we are not completely ideal client (time-consuming + small orders) but they listen to our detailed requests, and always make beautifully stitched pieces. We are so greateful of their work!
warashi-ko is dedicated to using Japanese hand-dyed textiles, using hand-cut stencils, because the handwork is incredible and we should use them to keep them alive. When we looked for sewing help, we also looked in Japan because we've seen places struggle when a significant part of sewing work went overseas. Some regions in Japan developed with the sewing industry, but when jobs were no longer offered to them, they struggled with large factories with idle machines. Even in this kind environment, however, studios, like Mr. and Ms. Okamoto still have chance. They have a compact studio and they assign rest of orders to sewers, who independently work from their homes. This way, they are more flexible with changing demands. They are able to accept small orders.
Just like other sewing companies in Japan, Mr. and Ms. Okamoto's studio once lost its significant part of work when most Japanese companies went overseas to make garments cheaper. Now, however, with Tokyo Olympic in near sight, Japanese are coming back to "made in Japan" products, and they've had very busy year so far. They are most surprised themselves.
We have no complaints about increasing popularity in Japanese products. But this shouldn't end when the Olympic is over. We probably need to train ourselves in appreciating real hand works and things made with care.
岡山県に工房を構える、岡本さんご夫婦。 昨年の夏、東京へ帰っていた際、わざわざお時間を作って会いに来て下さった。
わらしっこは、今や、岡本さんの助け無しには成り立たない。わらしっこがお願いする甚平は、2種類、3種類の生地を、それぞれのデザインによって襟・袖・見頃・紐と、上衣だけでも組合せを変えているものが多い。一般的な甚平(全身同生地) よりも、格段に手間がかかる。しかも少量ずつしかお願いできない。それなのに、引き受けて下さる。しかも、いつも安定の丁寧な出来栄え。細かくお願いしている生地を使う方向まで、二度お伝えする必要がない。素晴らしい!!の一言。岡本さん、本当にいつもありがとうございます!!
岡本さんの所でも、注文が一気に落ち込んだ時期があったそうだ。日本企業が、一斉に、安い国外での縫製を望んだ頃だ。しかし今、オリンピック開催に向けての機運が高まる中、日本製・made in Japanが再度求められるようになり、今年は大忙しだそうだ。正に嬉しい悲鳴。